Walk your way to better health!

Walk your way to better health!
May 17, 2018 Stephanie Bridgefoot

Walking is a simple, inexpensive and easy activity offering many benefits for health and general wellbeing. Despite this, it can be challenging to find time to walk in a busy day.

Whether it’s our family, work, studies or other commitments vying for our attention, sometimes we need to be creative in how we incorporate walking into our daily life. Here are some ideas on how you can incorporate walking into your daily life.


While it may be too far to walk the whole way to work or school, it is possible to make walking part of the journey. If you take public transport, you could try walking to the station rather than driving and parking. For those that drive, it could be as simple as parking further from your destination.

Lunch time

Instead of working through your lunch break, why not utilise the time and go for a walk? You might be surprised at the great walks nearby. You could even invite a friend or colleague to join you. A lunch time walk may even reenergise you for the afternoon and stop you reaching for caffeinated drinks or sweets.


While we often catch up with friends and family over a meal or drink, why not over a walk? Walking is a great activity for socialising and you can even reward yourself afterwards by walking to a desired destination such as a shop or cafe.

Not only is walking a great way to get active and improve both your mental and physical wellbeing, it is also a simple way that you can look after your spinal health. Walking just 30 minutes a day can help you to maintain and improve your health.

For more information on maintaining a healthy spine, please visit the website of the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia at www.chiropractors.asn.au 

Don’t forget to keep following our blogs for more health tips 🙂