It is a well known fact that “the preservation of health is easier than the cure of disease” (B.J. Palmer).
Your spine is not a thing to waste, so we have given you a few ways you can improve your spinal health!
1. Regular Exercise – Daily exercise is an overall bonus to health, it makes you feel and look good. For your spinal health, a study carried out showed that 90% of individuals who incorporate exercise into their daily lives, it drastically helps their posture. The majority of them also, had improved core stability over several weeks. How’s that for GREAT?!?
2. Do Some Spinal Stretches – Spinal stretches are great as they help stabilise the spine. One example is the ‘Tilting Star’, which includes standing in a Star position & slowly stretching one arm overhead, whilst slowly bending the spine to the opposite side, with your other hand down your thigh. Making sure to breath in and out as you stretch. There are other great exercises, for both Adults & Kids. So check out the “Straighten Up ” App or website on the Chiropractic Association of Australia. It will only take 3 MINUTES Australia, so go on & help your back!
3. Support Your Back When Heavy Lifting – We all try to carry too many bags to try and save time, but when you cause a strained muscle or back injury, the question you have to ask yourself is….. IS THE TIME YOU ARE TRYING TO SAVE REALLY WORTH IT WHEN YOU CAUSING MORE PAIN & ARE DAMAGING YOUR SPINAL HEALTH???
So in order to avoid this from happening Australia, when lifting heavy objects, it is important to use the correct lifting technique. Always make sure to bend your knees and keep your back in a neutral position. Lift the object slowly & bring it towards your chest. Try to AVOID any twisting or slowing when lowering & lifting.
4. Sleep In Comfort – Sleep is the body’s way of resting and rejuvenating. It is an important time for the body, so if we do not sleep properly, we can have a negative impact on your spinal health. Generally sleeping on your back or on your side is best because it supports the natural curvature of the spine better. If you sleep on your side, make sure to have a slight bend in your knees to provide alignment. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, as this can cause problems to your spine.
You may want to invest in a pillow in order to remove strain on your neck when sleeping, which you can do at The Chiropractor by either Andrew or Veronika.
5. Improve Your Posture- Our backs are not designed to sit in one position for a very long time. It has actually been recorded that low back pain is the THIRD most common reason for time off work….. That is not good at all!!!!!!
We need to move around and changes positions because when we are immobile, we become sedentary and that increases spinal strain and our overall health. So take note of your posture. When you are at work, customise your work station for you. Take regular breaks, every 30minutes, just a 1-2 minute breather and a stretch. It will vastly improve your posture and your spine will be forever grateful.
- (https://chiropractors.asn.au/resources/health-initiatives/straighten-up-australia-1)
- (https://chiropractors.asn.au/images/stories/Files/Public_Resources/Straighten%20Up%20Australia%20-%20Adults.pdf)
- (https://chiropractors.asn.au/resources/spinal-health-week/back-sore-too-much)
- (https://chiropractors.asn.au/images/stories/Files/Endorsed%20Products/Sleepys_CAA_Brochure.2.pdf)
- (https://chiropractors.asn.au/resources/health-initiatives/sit-right-2)